“I’m excited because I was told that I was physically unable to do something and I’ve done it.”
Catherine Caldwell, founder of Serious Health Now
Welcome to Serious Health Now
Providing a range of specialist health products and ideas to improve your life
What is Serious Health to you?
Where are you on your health journey? We all have different goals and hit different issues along our health journey.
Sometimes we are held back because of our attitudes and beliefs about food, supplementation or exercise. Sometimes we just don’t believe it’s possible to change, it just feels too big and difficult.
I believe getting seriously healthy can be seriously fun and it’s always, always possible to make a positive change in your life.

Helping you to live the life you want
From my own health journey, I truly understand many of the challenges and frustrations that we can all face through the journey of life.
Read about my journey for better health

How Mannatech Products Improved My Health
From my own experience, I know how some of their key products helped my body to heal. The result was evident. In 2018, at age 68, I walked the Routeburn Track. Something I had only dreamed of!
Free One-on-One Consultations
If you are keen to explore and improve your health journey, please Contact Me. As part of my service, regular and free one-on-one consultations are provided, to help you on your health journey.
Full range of Mannatech products provided; view our most popular products
Supplier of quality health products from the Mannatech range. Learn More about their 90 Day Satisfaction Guarantee.
Wonderful results
Now in my 67th year I take no prescription drugs, have the energy I craved as a young woman and I no longer get colds and infections. I will never stop taking Mannatech.
Feel the fear and do it anyway.
When things happen in threes I think it's important to pay attention. Within the last few days three people have asked me when I was going to either write a book or a blog. The last person, who is a wonderful person that I admire, gave me a deadline and silly thing...
Serious Health Now, Catherine Caldwell
A Mannatech Independent Associate and supplier of Mannatech products