Miner’s lettuce, a yummy weed and Miner’s lettuce all dressed up with feta, activated nuts, avocado and dark oak leaf lettuce. So very YUM!
As a gardener I spend a lot of time on my knees pulling out weeds that I don’t want in my garden, but I absolutely adore the edible weeds that arrive in early Springtime. These healthy early arrivals in the garden get me happy and excited. This year I’m so excited to see that Miner’s lettuce is here in my New Zealand garden. It’s a California transplant just like myself. It got its name from the early California Gold Miners who relished it as a first edible green of Spring and a preventer of scurvy. Miner’s lettuce is said to be high in vitamin C, beta-carotene and protein. What a glorious weed that is! Fresh out of the garden and onto the plate this little beauty is going to be so much more powerful than any of the tired old produce that the supermarket has to offer. And it’s my favourite price, free!
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